2911, 2022
My homemade raw chocolate
A friend of mine recently shared a new personal mantra: "I'm no longer available to learn my life lessons through [...]
2811, 2021
Happy isn’t “good” and depressed isn’t “bad”
On this Sunday all to myself I felt grateful, sad, nostalgic, nourished, comfortable, inspired, stuck, frustrated, and hopeful. And I [...]
2910, 2019
Is this it? Is this all there is to life?
Gotta be honest, I’ve been going through a “Is this it? Is this gonna be my life?...” phase. Is this [...]
1902, 2019
To Find the Wisdom, Move THROUGH the Pain
By the end of work today, my back was achy, feeling weirdly weak, and I was just tense all around. [...]
2601, 2019
How to let more of you OUT
“It’s like everything inside of me wants to get OUT,” I told her. I knew I held stuff in. But [...]