What, if anything, do you feel chained to?
Another way to think about it is: what’s weighing you down?

Could be:


Or, how about:

depression or fatigue
ocd or overeating
chronic pain or a chronic bad mood

Or even:

social media, and the obligatory feeling to be in touch with everyone, all. the. time.
a job you hate
a relationship with someone you don’t feel yourself with

Note: you could also feel chained to something that is, in essence, positive (i.e. “i have to go to yoga 5x/wk or else… ” or “i have to eat organic or else…”)

On a daily basis, anything you feel chained to (like you have to have it or do it) … is going to weigh you down, distract you, pull you away from recognizing your true, vibrant, free, nature.

Got your “chains” in mind?

Now, close your eyes and think “freedom.”

Close your eyes, breathe in, and think “freedom.” (go ahead, take a sec to do it)

What came to mind?

I hope, even for just a sec, you were able to tap into your personal power and sense that being free, feeling free is a choice you make.

And to get there? You’ve got to get to work (yes, it’ll take some work!) breaking whatever chains hold you down.

Start by following the four steps below. Each will immediately make you feel lighter and more empowered.

4 Steps to Freedom:
(to be repeated over and over, as necessary)

>> Freedom is, essentially, about becoming more and more of who you truly are, in your physical, emotional, and spiritual self, and being unafraid to live out that truth every day <<

1. Know what you want
For the next seven days, first thing in the morning, ask yourself, “What do I want?” Do this before you do anything else. Experts say that morning, the bit of time right after you wake up, is when you have the best access to your unconscious. It’s when you can most trust your “gut.” I’ve found that to be true. It’s when you’ll likely feel “off” if something in your life is off. Or when you’ll feel full and nourished if your life is full and nourishing. Asking this question consistently will help you to better know yourself.

2. Know your chains
Take fifteen minutes to write about what’s holding you down. Another way of thinking about it is “If I let go of _____ , I would feel so much better.” Or, “If I could stop doing _____, I’d feel so much more free.” Could be anything from binge eating to dating the “wrong man,” over and over again.

3. Decide on one chain you’d like to break this season
(i.e. “I’m going to stop over-booking myself and feeling like I need to stay in touch with so many people”)

4. Write your [specific] action plan
(i.e “To do this I’ll take 30 days off social media to redirect my energy on only my most significant, nourishing relationships”)

If at any step of the way you need to talk it through, take advantage of one of my private coaching packages this fall. Simply email me (jody@jodygrimm.com) and we’ll set up the details for your {free} 30 minute info session via phone or Skype.

Have a great weekend … wild + free!