What was your favorite part of this morning?
Or did it go by way too fast to notice?

These are questions worth answering! Because the “morning routine” isn’t just a trendy topic of conversation. All the hype is actually based on lots of evidence suggesting that the way we start our day will determine the way we feel the rest of the day.

You’ve heard it from nutritionists, right? “Breakfast is the most important meal.” By firing up your metabolism first thing in the morning you put your digestion on track for the rest of the day.

I recently heard a similar sentiment echoed from a commencement speaker who listed “making the bed” as one of his top 10 tips for graduates. He said, if you can manage to accomplish one thing (even if its minor) first thing in the morning, it sets you up for accomplishment the rest of the day.

Makes sense, no?

In other words, ideally, our morning should look and feel the way we want our day to look and feel.
So, how would you like your days to look and feel?

If you want em’ to look and feel like pancakes, see recipe below 🙂

Jokes aside, let’s say, for instance, calm, creative, and nourishing make it to the top of your list. Well, then, you’ve got to make space to create those feelings soon after you wake up.

Write your list now: what feelings/ descriptions are at the top? And how will you start to cultivate that experience?

In the last year or so, I’ve slowed down my morning a lot. Little by little I’ve developed a routine that allows for a mix of silence, reflection, movement, and of course, a good meal, all in hopes of cultivating my ideal day. (For a bit of inspiration, read about my first steps/first mistakes here, and more insights on keeping it simple here).

Have I convinced you?

If not, time to revisit the pancake idea…

… if you haven’t noticed, my favorite way to entice people to make lifestyle change is with delicious food!

Inspired by one of my favorite blogs, Green Kitchen Stories, these coconut quinoa pancakes are healthy and so simple, the perfect “first step” for someone who doesn’t think they have time/energy for a morning routine. Besides soaking quinoa overnight, the prep is very minimal.

Give it a try this weekend to get the hang of it and then challenge yourself to enjoy the same morning treatment during the work week!

Coconut Quinoa Pancakes

* recipe adapted from Green Kitchen Stories/ At Home in the Whole Food Kitchen

1/2 cup uncooked quinoa, soaked overnight
1/2 cup rolled oats
3/4 cup shredded coconut
1 cup unsweetened coconut milk
1 egg
2 tbsp melted extra virgin coconut oil
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp cinnamon

Drain the quinoa and put in your blender. Add oats, 1/4 c shredded coco, coco milk, egg, coconut oil, vanilla, baking powder and cinnamon. Blend it up! Make sure it’s completely smooth. Add remaining coconut and mix with a spatula.

Warm your cast iron skillet and add a bit of coconut oil once it’s warm. Pour your pancake batter into the pan, enough to make whatever size pancake you want. Cook for a few minutes or until you start to see bubbles appear on the top of the pancakes. Flip and continue cooking for a few minutes.

These are delicious served with a chia jam (below) and maple syrup!

Chia Jam

Your fruit of choice (citrus fruits are great and berries, when in season, can be even better!)
Chia seeds

Mash your fruit into a small mason jar and add a few tablespoons of chia seeds. Be conservative at first, as you’ll notice the chia seeds expand in just a few minutes. After ten minutes or so, decide if you’d like the jam thicker and in that case, add more chia!