These past few weeks I’ve been experimenting with a new diet.
The protocol for this diet was developed by a neurosurgeon who’s spent her life studying the connection between the digestive system and the brain.
With the goal to heal the gut, to reestablish a healthy balance of bacteria (imbalances lead to anything from allergies to depression and ADHD), she suggests a diet full of bone broth, steamed veggies, and probiotics (kimchi, kefir, etc.).
Processed foods are restricted, of course, as are most raw foods for now (ouch, that’s a toughie), grains, fruit, and other natural sweeteners…
Wait, rewind. Did you catch that last part? No natural sweeteners.
In other words, bye – bye raw honey, bye – bye dates, bye – bye chocolate… bye-bye happiness.
We’re talkin’ bare bones here, literally.
And surprisingly enough I’m enjoying myself. I’m expanding my knowledge in the kitchen, expanding my perspective on “health food”, and feeling a pretty immediate physical benefit.
But today I write to you with my confession and the recipe to blame.
The following recipe was inspired by a heavenly looking picture on one of my favorite blogs. I couldn’t resist recreating a raw version. I also couldn’t resist spoonful after spoonful… after spoonful.
I’ll finish the remainder later tonight, in case you were wondering.
It’s certainly not in the “gut healing” protocol… but hey, life’s too short. We gotta eat chocolate.
*Raw* Bittersweet Chocolate Tartlets with Maple Coconut Cream
1/2 cup almonds
1/2 cup dates (pitted)
Make sure they’ve been processed well (they should stick together). Press the mixture into the bottom of your dish/es.
Refrigerate while making the filling and cream.
1/3 C coconut milk
1/3 C coconut flour
1/4 C cacao powder (or more if you like it super chocolately like me)
1 tbsp raw honey or maple syrup
Sea salt to taste
Scoop the filling on top of the crust. An optional addition is to melt a bit of dark chocolate or cacao paste (melt it in a pan placed over boiling water) and pour over top of your filling.
Refrigerate again.
Whisk together:
1/4 cup coconut milk
1 tbsp. raw honey
Refrigerate until it thickens and then add on top of your tartlets.
Ok, there’s nothing left to do but eat up.
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