Maybe you find yourself here because:

You’ve got some serious momentum in your life…
You’re eating well and moving your body,
and you wanna take yourself to the next level.
OR maybe you’ve forgotten what it feels like to have momentum in any direction…
You feel like you have an endless “to do” list,
and you’re stressed to the max.
Or you’re grieving a loss,
of a loved one,
of a relationship,
or of a chapter of your life.
Maybe you spend your days “going through the motions,”
and find yourself wondering, “is this all there is?”
Whatever your reason,
you are here because you’re in need of 90 days to focus solely on you.
On July 15, 2017, I invite you to join 90 days to you, a group experience in self-healing.

This group program includes:

–> SIX hour long group coaching calls (roughly 2x/month)
–> a holistic wellness protocol (think of it as your prescription), including my sustainable diet plan, mindfulness and movement practices, and a 7-day social media fast
–> a direct roadmap to discover and embrace your inner resources for soothing, healing, and evolving (versus external resources we continuously “grasp at” i.e. relationships, alcohol, drugs, food, Netflix, social media)
–> weekly reading
–> private FB group, your “sisterhood”

Jody Rocks!

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